Monday, June 15, 2015

Things I learned this weekend

  • I finally saw Jurassic Park, the original, 20 years later.
  • It was great, not considering the fact that the audio was so bad I had to put on closed captioning.
  • Also, my apartment smelled weird that night so I spent most of the movie telling my friend, Kyle, that I was going to die in my sleep from chemical poisoning.
  • He loves watching movies with me. In high school, we saw LOTR together, during which I asked him what the difference between Sauron and Saruman was and then he didn't talk to me for 7 years. 
  • If Mad Max is the baseline for feminist entertainment, then I would say Jurassic Park is pretty feminist -- that one woman makes some remark about sexism in survival situations and then that girl saves the day using her computer-hacking skillz.  Plus, all the dinosaurs were bad-ass bitches.

  • I'm not good at paying attention so I actually don't know anyone's name in that movie and called every character "John".
  • You're never too old to hit a pinata in a park, with your adult friends, while an actual little girl jealously watches in the distance.

  • My 29th birthday party was the best party ever (not including that time I had actual ponies and not just a My Little Pony pinata).
  • My weekend was awesome until George RR Martin showed up and ruined everything.
  • I cried harder for Jon Snow than any guy I've ever actually dated in real life.
  • Because I'm a firm believer in magic, I do think he'll come back to life in some form, but I just hope that everyone else dies. Except for the dragons. And the wolves. I hope they both rule the throne. I hope everyone else dies and it's just a magical animal kingdom. BYE, GEORGE.
  • Since my "friends" let me watch Game of Thrones ALONE last night, I had to tell the computer my feelings:

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