Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Moving on up

In just a few weeks, Boo and I will be moving on up, literally, to a 2nd-story apartment [in the sky]. For the first time in over 4 years, we are actually going to live above ground.

I am very much looking forward to moving and living on my own, despite the very successful 8 year relationship I've had with my current roommate. (Wait, has it really been 8 years?)  However, I've been pretty much constantly panicking about the actual moving process. The thing is, I have to move out of my current apartment on May 31st, but I can't move into my new one until June 1st. Therefore, Boo and I are essentially homeless for that night. So is all of our stuff.

life partners.

The plan, currently, is for my dad to come up and stay at a hotel with me and Boo. I basically spend all of my time now envisioning Boo having a mental breakdown in the hotel bathroom and DYING. My friend pointed out that I'll "obviously sleep in the tub with him", so that should help.

life partners.

Also, thank god for my dad, you guys. He's all carefree about this move. Like, so confident in my abilities to lift and carry things. Perhaps he has forgotten about the majority of my childhood during which I cried and made him carry me everywhere.

Thanks Dad.

On the plus side, I own almost no furniture. On the downside, this will only benefit me up until the moment I'm actually in my new apartment and have nowhere to sit. FYI if you ever come over, it's BYO chair.

Things I do own:
  • Bed
  • Vacuum
  • Plastic drawers
  • Extra large Hello Kitty pillow
  • Children's Bible dish set

My apartment is going to be CLASSY. 

Also, I can't wait for this to be over.


  1. what are you talking about you clearly own everything you need to make it as a successful adult on your own...

  2. I share in all your fears. I think I'm going to have to get Bernie some xanax. #pushingpills #gatewaydrug #motheroftheyear

  3. you have jesus on your side. you're golden

  4. i mean, you have the necessities covered


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