Monday, May 5, 2014

Things I learned this weekend

1. I shamelessly hit on all of my male friends, which makes me wonder how I have any.
2. Margaret Atwood is 74 and as sprightly as ever.

3. The 1990 film version of The Handmaid's Tale is very 1990.
4. Thanks to the MBTA's extended late night service, you can go to Chinatown for 2 am dumplings.

Can barely look at this.

5. Thanks to 2am dumplings, you will almost certainly spend the next day throwing up.
6. On that note, Naked & Afraid must be a show about what it's like to have food poisoning.

7. I'm pretty sure I've been sick more times this [academic year] than I have in all the years of my life combined.
8. It appears *The Bartender* (as he shall be known) has a female following, so I have to deal with some competition.

9. Therefore, I chose to use the very limited time I had to talk to him to discuss paper drink umbrellas and MTV's hit show of the 90s, "Daria".

10. I'm obviously way ahead of the game.


  1. 2am dumplings? never a good idea... the MBTA does no favors by running extended hours to chinatown!

  2. i don't think you understand how much i love dumplings.

    1. But I do tooooooooo. Or did. It was a very traumatic weekend.

  3. sorry you're sick! i've never had dumplings... and probably never will now haha

  4. Just curious... How often are you going to Beat Hotel?

    1. Every day until he falls in love with me?

    2. Also, praying he doesn't read this ever.

  5. Replies
    1. Yeah girl. I also have a lot of experience yelling about dragons. That seems to get a lot of people's attention at the bar.

  6. this bartender sounds hot. and i approve of daria as your topic of conversation. he should choose you.


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