Well, my friends, as you may have noticed, my blog looks a bit different today. No more La Petite Critique.
The thing is, I thought "La Petite Critique" was cute and charming and witty until I realized that there are about 1,000 other petite critiques to be found on Google. That shit was played out, so I had to use something a bit more original.
In case you were wondering where "i'm your katie que" comes from, I'll let you in on a little secret: When I was young and dumb, my AIM (remember that?!) screen name was "imyoursexbunny." Classy, right?
Not so much.
Oddly enough, joining a sorority made me realize how slutty that screen name actually was. And not because I was slutty --no no. I was as chaste as a 12-year-old... well, before Teen Mom was cool at least.
Anyway, I remember introducing myself to my new "sisters," and since AIM was a major form of communication back then, they pretty much immediately asked me for my screen name. The moment the words came out of my mouth was the moment I realized that it was not only completely inappropriate, but also entirely untrue. I don't even know how that screen name came to be in the first place. I was no one's sex bunny. Seriously, not one person's.
Also, what the fuck is a sex bunny anyway? Apparently this, according to Google:
Please don't ever associate me with this image. |
Needless to say, imyoursexbunny had to go. But for some reason, I was afraid of changing it, as if somehow I would lose my identity if I had a different screen name. So I just modified it a bit, and ultimately, it became what it is today--much more appropriate and also a little bit ethnic.
Clearly, I've grown up a lot since college. Now, I'm a mature 25-year-old woman with a mature internet identity who binge drinks boxed wine and breads her cat.
Welcome to my renovated blog. I hope you still like it.