Thursday, October 10, 2013

Things I learned [last] weekend

I'm still recovering from a fantastic weekend in NYC, hence why I've been notably absent this week. (It has been notable, right?)

1. Drake is Jewish.

2. The Bolt Bus picks you up/drops you off on the side of the road. Every person who takes it forms a bond over their confusion about this.
3. People from the midwest don't understand that putting your headphones in is New England code for "Don't talk to me."
4. You know you're in Connecticut when XXX billboards start appearing on the side of the highway.
5. Sometimes men take off their pants in the middle of Times Square at 5 pm.
6. Cronuts make for a nutritious breakfast when paired with kale smoothies.

7. My friend Patrick and I fell in love with our waitress at Colonie. She gave us complimentary donuts and a hug at the end of our meal.
8. There is an exhibit at The Met called Cats and Girls. Unfortunately, it's about 90% pedophilia, 10% cats.

Not pictured: Cats.

9. I want to eat this every day of my life.

10. Sometimes, very rarely, you can watch a Patriots game with a Giants fan and like each other.


  1. god banana pudding is my favorite. also, i can't stop listening to drake's song too much

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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